Konposit provides sales strategy and sales execution support to leading technology firms in the US and abroad, specializing in C-Level messaging and engagement.


The C-Level Blog

Commandment #8

Commandment #8

“Only connect.”, E.M. Forster

Sometimes sales messaging is non-‘messaging’, and is simply engaging with another person as a human being, and not as a potential target or prospect.

Get to know your clients as individuals and as people who have needs and concerns, including ones outside of the office; truly listen and understand what’s going on in their world, not as a means to shimmy up to the client, but just to engage and connect with another person.

Don’t solely listen without bringing something to the table (clients will want to understand what you’re about and why you want to meet with them), but mainly listen. While cliché follow the 80/20 rule.

One word of caution, as was shared in the last commandment, clients’ bull&@!t meters are very strong, so would suggest only following this rule when it’s done intentionally, genuinely and with grace.

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