Konposit provides sales strategy and sales execution support to leading technology firms in the US and abroad, specializing in C-Level messaging and engagement.


The C-Level Blog

Posts tagged c-suite
Engaging with a C-Level Executive, Part III - Be Prepared, Be Very Prepared!

The big meeting is about to take place. You have done extensive research on the firm and the C-level executive that you will be meeting with. You have also produced a thoughtful, relevant agenda and gone through the process of assembling a – very – small team to take to the meeting. Now it is time to practice for the big day.

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Engaging with a C-Level Executive, Part I - Be Prepared, Be Very Prepared

Everyone’s time is valuable. But a C-Level executive’s time is especially valuable. Back-to-back or double – or triple – booked meetings, often being on the road, answering to senior executive management and the Board, and needing to be especially responsive to any number of stakeholders, including staff and employees, are just a few reasons why a C-Level executive’s time is so precious.

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